台灣經濟論衡-冬季號 - page 79

of the opportunities in this market. The firm has investment professionals who
have invested in this space before, and we continue to keep current with the
multitude of advancements in AI and robotic technologies by staying in close
contact with the world's foremost university researchers (MIT Media Lab and
Computer Science and AI Lab [CSAIL], Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, Berkeley,
etc.). Successful investing in this field depends in part on establishing these
tight relationships with the academic world and with industry, labs, roboticists and
entrepreneurs. In addition, WI Harper is well connected to like-minded investors,
such as iRobot Ventures. Leveraging these meaningful relationships will allow
us to understand quickly the commercial viability of emerging technologies, to
appreciate the market needs of breakthrough intelligent machines and systems
and to identify and secure the most compelling AI/ robotics deal flow. Our
strategy also entails working closely with strategic partners, including co-investing
with AI/ robotics companies. Such relationships increase our exit alternatives for
our portfolio companies.
In sum, WI Harper's extensive background and deep experience in this
area allow us to identify the most emerging technologies in the AI/ robotics field,
invest in the most promising companies and guide the most talented teams to
successful exits.
Taiwan Economic Forum
Volume 15, Number 4
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