• Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Natural language processing is the
method through which computers process human language input and convert
into understandable representations to derive meaning from them. NLP
leverages machine learning algorithms to learn rules based on large sets of
training data that can then be applied to new sets of text. Early applications
of NLP have been seen in text mining (e.g., analysis of legal documents,
insurance policies, and social media) and automated question answering (like
Siri). New advances in neural networks and deep learning models are allowing
NLP systems to become increasingly intelligent and can manage the ambiguity
of the human language. The most advanced NLP technology is Google's
open-source foundation of NLP implemented in TensorFlow, called SyntaxNet,
which leverages neural networks to parse sentences in a way that is more
understandable to computers.
The market will continue to be driven by the
rise of interest and innovation in machine learning/ neural networks, which is
the technology underlying the AI field of NLP.
Industry Application Trends
The following industry application trends are the most viable investment
opportunities within the AI sector:
• Autonomous Driving Vehicles:
This sector has seen major investments from
established automakers such as Google, Tesla, and Uber. BCG estimates
that the overall market will reach $42 billion by 2020. There are unique
opportunities for investments addressing various technologies that are part
of this ecosystem. New entrants are constantly entering into this market that
claim to have more advanced features, better functioning algorithms and more
creative approaches to serve the ultimate self-driving car (admittedly, most
"Google's SyntaxNet and Sentiment Analysis." Brnrd.me,